This 90° corner guard offers protection in an array of colors. Custom corner angles can also be accommodated. CG-10R's vinyl retainer provides the same level of protection as the original CG-10 with aluminum retainer. Our new Heartwood profiles offer the same protection of the original product with the aesthetics of a real wood handrail. We hold the advantage of offering the same wood patterns on profiles and end caps. Each profile also matches its accompanying accessories. These Heartwood products have been tested and have shown extreme levels of durability in any scenario where impact protection is needed.
It falls under different but equal LEED qualifications, and weighs less per foot, for considerable savings in shipping costs for high quantities.
Dimensions: 3" Wing; 90º angle; Height up to 12'
Retainer Type: Recycled Vinyl
Stock Lengths: 48"; 96"; 108"; 120"; 144"
Provides Medium to Heavy Protection
Tech Info:
Available Colors:
Heartwood Patterns